In conclusion I believe that I have solved the problem that I set out to. I recognised the lack of classroom visual aids in Swahili speaking...

I knew I wanted something to incorporate wings/feathers/flying and education. Since, in many of these underprivileged places , education is ...

If I were to get this project running, it would need funding. This is where my marketing idea came in. In the past, marketing t...

Editing in Photoshop. Once I had shot each letter with a high resolution under 2 LED lights to ensure no yellowing or discolouration, I used...

Inspiration for Packaging Finished product packaging

Since I am not fluent in Swahili I have scoured the internet for basic information and translations on key objects and animals to use for th...

Next up, packaging. I want the packaging to be simple understated and classy. I want to contain all the excitement for inside the package i...