S O L V I N G ○ T H E ○ P R O B L E M

The solution. There are quite a few routes I could take to solve this problem however I am choosing to hopefully develop a full alphabet ser...

The solution. There are quite a few routes I could take to solve this problem however I am choosing to hopefully develop a full alphabet series illustrated with relative imagery for that letter in swahili for example in English, the letter A would be illustrated with images such as apples, ants etc but I want to illustrate the letters with imagery that the children will actually recognise and apply to words in their mother language, since they don't have access to the internet they won't recognise many things such as electronics or foreign animals.

This project will be very time consuming but if I have time after it's complete I plan to produce a numeracy series as well and possibly some card games to create an educational pack. When I have completed these I aim to send them to an African classroom(s) to see their effectiveness and get accurate feedback. I plan to return to Africa again in the near future to hopefully teach and if I get the chance to , I hope to bring a few sets of these educational resources out with me to donate to classrooms in need.  I have contacted a few of my sources for help and advice on constructing an accurate chart, one of the contacts is a man I met in Tanzania during my visit who lived there for over 10 years and speaks fluent Swahili. I am awaiting a response, as soon as a receive this I will start to plan which imagery to use for each letter.

Below is the only illustrated alphabet chart I could find online.

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